Characteristics of the Company

Characteristics of the Company
Characteristics of the Company

Company means such a form of business organization which is established by some persons for the purpose of making profit under the provisions of legislation. In simple words, ‘company’ means a group of persons having a common objective and whose capital is divided into transferable limited liability shares. The business of the company is conducted under a common seal and after registration it becomes its own separate permanent entity. Any person can sue the company and the company can sue any person. we will discuss Characteristics of the Company.

Definition as provided in the Companies Act, 2013

As per section 2(20) of the Companies Act, 2013. “company” means a company amalgamated under this Act or under any earlier Companies Act.”

This definition is not a complete and appropriate definition as it does not explain the salient features and characteristics of the company. Existing company mentioned in this definition means a company formed and registered under any of the previous Companies Acts.

Appropriate definition – After studying the above definitions, we can say that, “A company is a statutory and necessarily artificial person whose amalgamation is under the Companies Act for a specific purpose, whose liability is generally limited and the existence of its members It is different from and has a common currency.

Characteristics of the company

The following characteristics of the company are clear from the study and analysis of the above definitions of the company.

1. Registered voluntary association

The first feature of the company is that it is a registered or incorporated voluntary association of persons. Whose creation is possible only when some persons voluntarily agree to form a company and get it registered under the Companies Act.

At least two persons are required to form a private company and at least seven persons for a public company. The persons who agree to form the company have to sign the ‘Union clause’ of the memorandum and they are called the first members of the company.

A private company can have a maximum of 200 members, there is no restriction on the number of members in a public company.

2. An Artificial Person Created by Law

A company is an artificial statutory person created by law. A company can do all the work like a natural person, hence it is called an individual. It is called a statutory person because it is established by legal processes. Artificial person is said because its physical presence is not possible like a natural person. Hence, the company is an artificial person created in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Justice Marshall wrote that, “The company is invisible. Immortal and artificial person whose existence exists only in the eyes of law. According to Lord Chancellor Selborne (Selborne, L.C.), “It is a mere abstraction of law”.

Despite all this, he is not a fake person but a real person. There are several reasons for this. The company can buy property in its own name like natural persons, enter into contracts in its own name through natural persons, and sue other parties in the court in its own name, and other parties can also enter the name of the company. can file a case against. In other words, a company can have the same number of business liabilities and rights as a natural person. Thus, with a view to fulfill all the statutory purposes, the company is also a person of the same type as a natural person.

3. Separate Legal Entity

A company is a legal entity separate from its shareholders. As a result, the company can enter into any contract with any of its members and the members can enter into agreement with the company. The company can sue its members and the members can also sue them. In addition, for the work done by the company, the shareholder or member is liable to be held in the House of England in Salomon v. Salomon & Co. Ltd. adopted the same principle and treated the members as separate from the company. The Calcutta and Bombay High Courts have also held the same view.

4. Perpetual Existence

According to section 9 of the Companies Act, 2013, the existence of the company is permanent, that is, the life of the company depends on the life of its members. does not. Death of a member of the company. The existence of the company is not affected by the bankruptcy or insanity or the separation from the company by any member, that is, the company continues to run. In fact, there is no change in the members of the company, the life of the company does not end and it continues to function permanently. That is why it is said that “members may go, and members may come, but a company goes. on forever.” In other words, even if all the old members of the company are replaced by new members, there is no effect on the existence of the company.

5. Common Seal

Universal seal means the seal of the name of the company. Being an artificial personality, the company cannot do any work on its own as it does not have any physical existence. The work of the company is done by the directors, secretaries and managing directors of the company and these persons put the seal of the company while doing the work, only then the work done by them will be considered as the work done by the company and the company will be bound by them. Thus the seal of the company is the signature of the company. Letters, forms and covenants which do not bear the company’s seal are not considered to be of the company.

6. Limited Liability

Limited Liability means- “You have to pay as much as you have agreed to pay.” (You have to pay as much as you have agreed to pay). In contrast, unlimited liability means – “You have to pay as much as you can afford.” (You have to pay as much as you have). The principle of limited liability was first implemented in India in 1857. The liability of the members of the company is limited to the amount of shares purchased by them. The company may be limited by shares or limited by guarantee. Liability of the members of the company in case of a company limited by shares. The amount taken is limited to the unpaid amount. Therefore, if a shareholder has transferred his shares. If the full amount has been paid then he has no liability towards the company. In the case of a company limited by guarantee, the liability of the members is limited to the amount which they (the shareholders) agree to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of winding up of the company. Thus it is clear. That the liability of the members is limited, not unlimited. In a nutshell, it can be said that Vibration. The creditors of the company cannot recover any amount from the personal property of the shareholders in the event of loss of Rs. If the business of the company is to defraud the company’s creditors or other parties. If operated for the purpose of [Section 339] (Representative Management) – Usually the shareholders of the company.

7. Representative Management

Often the number of A is very high and they also live from rate to rate, due to which it is impossible for every shareholder to participate in the management and operation of the company. Therefore, the management of the company is elected by the shareholders. It is done by representatives who are called directors. The rights and responsibilities of the directors of the company are determined by the Articles of Association.

8. Transferability of Shares

According to section 56 of the Companies Act, 2013, generally the shareholders of the company can voluntarily transfer their shares in favor of any person, firm or institution so long as the councilors of the company Nothing to the contrary shall be contained in the Articles of Association. In the case of a private company, the shares cannot be transferred unless the conditions of the Articles are complied with.

9. Limitations of Action

A company cannot act outside its councilor memorandum and councilor’s articles. Its scope of work is limited by the Companies Act and its memorandum and articles.

10. Shareholders are not Agents

An important feature of the company is that its shareholders cannot act as agents of the company, that is, the shareholders cannot bind the company with their actions.

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